door Dutch Roots | okt 18, 2018
Jef Verhaeren at De Molenaar (Belgium) wrote an article, saying: ‘Nijsen/Granico processes by-products from human nutrition to high-grade raw materials in compound feed production. In addition, it focuses entirely on circular projects such as the laying hen...
door Dutch Roots | sep 25, 2018
Jef Verhaeren at De Molenaar (Belgium) published an article: ‘In the Netherlands, soy is grown for six years on a commercial basis. The average yield is 3.5 tons of soy per hectare with a protein content of 40 percent. This increases the perspective for soya in...
door Dutch Roots | jul 23, 2018
An article on website says that ‘the protein crop fits into the cultivation plan and the rotation of crops, says Jolanda Raaijmakers during the circular farm tour of 35 (inter)national agricultural journalists’ (please note: article in Dutch)....
door Dutch Roots | jul 21, 2018
Imagro (The Netherlands) posted a blog article with video report, saying that ‘our colleagues Ruben and Dirk-Jan were present as project leaders and spoke with Meiny Prins (CEO Priva and founder of the Sustainable Urban Delta) and Boj van den Berg (Urban...
door Dutch Roots | jul 20, 2018
Website posted an article, saying: ‘The approach of the [World Biobased Centre] project is sustainability of different production factors through innovations in technologies. Various parties with a shared ‘sustainable Netherlands’ vision...
door Dutch Roots | jul 19, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) posted an article, quoting Meiny Prins (Priva): ‘The problems surrounding sustainable food production aren’t caused by technology. The technology is available. But it is the people who have to make the change and...