door Dutch Roots | sep 19, 2018
Joseph Opoku Gakpo at Multimedia Group Limited (Ghana) posted an article: ‘Players in the Agricultural Sector are pushing for a united front in the fight against global hunger. They say efforts to make food available to all will hardly work if it is approached...
door Dutch Roots | sep 17, 2018
Rocky Gofamodimo (Botswana) posted a personal blog about his impressions during the Dutch Roots congress and tours, saying it ‘was an absolute success and an eye opener. I walked away with a lot from my trip and I can safely say, it was an experience of a...
door Dutch Roots | sep 5, 2018
Lilian Schaer at Ontario Farmer (Canada) wrote an article, saying: ‘Hubrecht Janse farms on land that literally didn’t exist 40 years ago. It was created when the Dutch government built dykes and drained large sea areas in the southern province of Zeeland,...
door Dutch Roots | sep 5, 2018
Lilian Schaer at Ontario Farmer (Canada) published an article: ‘According to its deputy mayor, [Ede has] made food a central pillar for their many areas of municipal responsibility, including education, healthcare and sports, and partnered with neighbouring...
door Dutch Roots | sep 5, 2018
Simone Smith at ACAJ (Australian Council of Agricultural Journalists) posted an article, saying: ‘the trip reminded me about why I do my job. It is best avenue to meet some of agriculture’s most innovative people and an opportunity to learn something new every...
door Dutch Roots | sep 1, 2018
Gerhard Uys at Farmer’s Weekly (South Africa) wrote an article about ‘a Dutch company that produces animal feed from food waste [that] says this is the only way in which agriculture can remain sustainable.’ Read more...