door Dutch Roots | jul 28, 2018
Alda Do Rosário Santos at Agrojornal (Angola) published an article about Circular Economy, saying that ‘the Dutch are known as economically efficient people, especially in today’s society, where environmental pollution, global warming and the decline of...
door Dutch Roots | jul 20, 2018
Alda Do Rosário Santos at Agrojornal (Angola) posted an article, saying that ‘Wageningen University’s Executive Research Council President Louise Fresco lamented the lack of political will of African leaders for the development of agriculture on the...
door Dutch Roots | jul 14, 2018
Alda Do Rosário Santos at Agrojornal (Angola) published an article: ‘To serve as a platform of knowledge for journalists specializing in agriculture around the world is the aim of the International Congress, organized by the International Federation of...