Dutch Roots posts

Excellent representation of African continent
The Dutch Roots congress welcomed a large and especially diverse group of participants from the African continent. Thanks to the efforts of several agricultural representatives at Dutch Embassies, also 19 participants from ten different countries were able to join...

Photo collage WUR 11 and 12 July
Check out the pictures taken during the first two Dutch Roots congress days in WUR, 11 and 12 July. Click on the logo below to view the collage.

The Netherlands offers various solutions for challenges global food chain
This is evident at IFAJ's international agricultural journalist conference, which is being organized this year by the Dutch Association of Agricultural Journalists in Wageningen. Louise Fresco, chairman of the board of Wageningen University says that agriculture is on...
Short documentary on agricultural production of Rwanda
Rwanda, one of the smallest countries on the African mainland, is underway towards an agricultural transformation. This short documentary, made especially for the IFAJ2018 World Congress Dutch Roots by Elvis Kanyemera, explains how.
Post tour almost completely booked
You can register until the 1st of July for the Dutch Roots post tour if you haven't done that already. There are only few places left, so some speed is required if you want to get a spot. If you wish to refresh your memory concerning the post tour programme first,...
Dutch programme enables nineteen African journalists to join Dutch Roots
Nineteen journalists from ten different African countries will be able to join the IFAJ 2018 Dutch Roots congress. The presence of the journalists is made possible thanks to the efforts of the agricultural representatives at some African embassies in conjunction with...