
Basis for the Green Economy


Providing solutions for global challenges


Our innovations contribute to the world

Plantum represents over 250 companies in the Netherlands that produce and globally trade seeds and young plants of arable and horticultural crops. The Netherlands is the largest exporter of these products, that together contribute to agriculture and horticulture worldwide.

Good plant reproductive material is the basis of all successful green production chains. Its qualities contribute to the sustainability of any production system, and to the quality and diversity for consumers.

This innovation driven sector makes a substantial contribution to the Dutch knowledge economy and provides solutions to challenges with a global reach.

Global access to healthy and safe products


Dutch breeding companies are vital partners when working on major societal goals. Plant breeding and seed technology make a substantial contribution to societal objectives such as nutrition security, sustainable crop production and food quality, safety and diversity.

The sector forms the basis of global access to healthy and safe products at an affordable price. Disease resistant varieties are a key component of integrated pest management, adaptation to climate change through drought and salt tolerant crops is increasingly important, and adaptation of crops to new production systems such as vertical farming is based on plant breeding and the rearing of young plants. Embedded in plant reproductive materials, the sector brings together requirements of consumers, logistics, processing industries and growers. We contribute to a world that is healthier, more pleasant, more sustainable and more colourful.

The Netherlands, an international leader


Dutch companies in the plant reproductive materials sector are among the world’s leaders; for vegetables, potato, ornamentals, forages and several other crops, a wide diversity of companies is based in the Netherlands. With 2.5 billion Euros, the Netherlands is one of the largest exporters of plant reproductive materials.

The knowledge-intensive Dutch breeding companies provide high-quality seeds and many new varieties and crops, based on their investment of over 15% of their turnover in research and development. The advantages of these new varieties benefit the entire production chain.

The sector offers many specialized and exciting jobs in the Netherlands and abroad. It is one of the most profitable sectors of the Dutch agricultural chain.

Policy areas that are critical for the sector


Plantum is the Dutch association for the plant reproduction material sector. The members of Plantum are active in breeding, propagation, production and trade of seeds, bulbs, tubers, cuttings and young plants. Plantum represents and promotes the interests of its members and, on behalf of the sector, acts as a discussion partner with government bodies and interest groups. Plantum’s focus is on consolidating the competitive position of the sector and of the groups of affiliated members on an international level. Plantum also initiates new developments and serves as a source of information for companies.

The main issues below give a brief overview of the priorities applied by Plantum in its lobbying activities and when representing the interests of the sector:

  • Biodiversity
  • Organic plant reproduction material
  • Breeding methods
  • Export promotion and trade barriers
  • Crop protection and environmental issues
  • Image
  • Intellectual property
  • Research
  • Social affairs and conditions of employment

The Netherlands, your partner in quality seeds


Over the next few years, the demand for food is set to increase. Quality seed is essential in order to meet this demand. The Netherlands is keen to share its expertise in order to support the development of strong seed sectors that can contribute to global food and nutrition security.

The Government of the Netherlands presents in the brochure, Your partner in quality seeds, an overview of the role of Dutch companies, policymakers and researchers in the development of quality seed and seed sectors globally. The brochure contains examples of cooperation at the crossroads of aid and trade, involving the government, businesses, civil society organisations and knowledge institutions – the ‘Dutch diamond’. It will give you an overview of all the aspects involved in making high-quality seed available to farmers worldwide.
