1. Registration, payment and cancellations
Can I still register for the congress?
You can register as long as the registration form is online. We will also put a notification on the website when the registration is closed.
Why have I not yet received confirmation of my registration?
Kindly send an e-mail to sales@dutchroots.info and we will check if your registration has been processed correctly.
Unfortunately I have to cancel my registration. What is the procedure?
We only accept written cancellations. However, up to 45 days before the congress you will receive a 100% refund, up to 3 weeks before the congress you will receive a 50% refund. Up to 2 weeks before the congress there is no refund.
I’m not able to attend, but my colleague wishes to come in my place. Is that possible?
Yes, that is possible. Kindly provide us with the contact details, e-mail address and job title of your colleague and send this information to sales@dutchroots.info.
Should I bring the confirmation of my registration with me upon arrival at the congress?
Yes, you need to show us this confirmation. Either a print-out, or show it on your mobile device.
Can you help me with my visa application?
We can’t organize a visa application for you. You will have to get in touch with the proper authorities yourself and follow the appropriate procedures with the embassy in your own country.
We can provide you with a letter of invitation if you need one to support your visa application.
If you need a letter of invitation please forward your request to Jacqueline Wijbenga of the Dutch Roots-organization by email: j.wijbenga@eisma.nl. In this request you should mention:
– Full name (as stated on passport)
– Passport number
– Employer/Work status (full address details)
You will then receive a personal letter of invitation. The letter of invitation will only be provided to congress participants that have fully registered and paid their registration fee.
The applicant is responsible for payment of all the necessary documents, congress fee and travel arrangements needed for the attendance of the congress.
I can’t find my country in the registration form once I get to the payment procedure. What should I do?
Unfortunately, the registration system we use (RegOnline) has some restrictions for participants from some countries. This means some countries are prohibited to use RegOnline due to US sanctions (see list below).
Those of you who encounter this problem with RegOnline, please inform the Dutch Roots organization by sending an email to: sales@dutchroots.info. You will then receive a link to an alternative registration form. Based on your registration we will send you an invoice for congress participation, which you can pay through the normal international bank payment system. Your congress participation will be confirmed after we’ve received your full payment into the Dutch Roots bank account.
The countries with denied access are:
– Balkans
– Belarus
– Burma (formerly Myanmar)
– Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
– Congo
– Cuba
– Iran
– Iraq
– Liberia
– Lebanon
– Libya
– North Korea
– Somalia
– Sudan
– Syria
– Zimbabwe
Furthermore, there are some countries with limited access. This applies to:
– Benin
– Cameroon
– Ghana
– New Caledonia
– Niger
– Nigeria
– Niue
– Togo
– Zambia
Are there sponsor options for participants from less well-off countries?
The congress organization at this moment is not in the position to allocate budget for sponsoring attendance of colleagues from less well-off countries.
We are however still talking to different stakeholders, private companies as well as government agencies, and hope this will give us some specific budget to support the participation of some of our colleagues from afar. At this stage however we can’t confirm that this will be the case. We are very active to stimulate this, but can’t promise anything at this stage.
2. Workshops
How can I be sure I can join the workshops of my choice?
There is a maximum number of participants for each workshop. As soon as a workshop is fully booked, the possibility to register for that workshop is removed from the registration process. If you have registered for a workshop and you have received a confirmation, then you are sure.
I did not choose the correct workshops. Can I change my choices for workshops afterwards?
Please send an e-mail with your preferences to sales@dutchroots.info and we will check if we can register you for the workshops of your choice.
3. Locations and services
How can I reach the congress location in the most convenient way?
The starting location of the congress is on the premises of the Wageningen University at the Wisdom & Wonder location.
Should you arrive directly from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, you can travel via public transport. You can take the intercity train to station Ede-Wageningen (there is a direct connection), which is a 1 hour trip.
From Ede-Wageningen you can take a 15 minute bus ride (the blue-colored Valleilijn-bus no. 84 or 88) to Wageningen University, which departs every 15 minutes.
Once you get off the bus, you have arrived at the WUR campus. Here you can see signs that lead you to the Wisdom & Wonder location.
There will also be members of the Dutch Roots organization to welcome you and guide you to the congress location.
Can I park at the Wageningen University and what are the costs?
Yes, you can park there. Check the map of the parking facilities: https://www.wur.nl/upload_mm/1/b/7/7272a72b-0a4a-4d28-b363-1c68b0def032_8412102357_FBAL_parkeerplaats_v03.pdf
Are meals included in the congress?
Yes, the meals are included. Costs are included in the participation price of the congress.
I’m allergic to certain ingredients. Who can I notify about this?
Upon registration you are given the possibility to indicate your wishes with regard to dinners, amomg other things. If you have extra information, please send this 2 weeks prior to the event to sales@dutchroots.info.
Is the event accessible for disabled persons / wheelchairs?
Yes, the event is accessible for disabled persons/wheelchairs. The Wisdom & Wonder location is on ground level. The bus company has proper facilities, and also the workshop and most of the tour locations are accessible.
Is there a wardrobe and are lockers available?
Yes, a wardrobe and a location to keep your suitcases (if applicable) are available at the congress location. We however advise you to keep valuable belongings in your hotel or close at hand.
4. Presentations
Will the presentations of the speakers be available for the participants of the congress?
Yes, after the event we will send an e-mail with a link to download the presentations. We can only publish the presentations that are made available to us.
5. Evaluation
Is there an option to review the congress afterwards?
We will send you an evaluation form after the congress. We value your opinion about the content of the congress, ranging from speakers to locations. This evaluation is used to upgrade (if applicable) our events to come.
6. Social media and online communication
Which social media channels does Dutch Roots use?
You can find us on the several media channels where we keep you posted with the latest news:
- Twitter: @DutchRoots2018
- Facebook: @IFAJ2018DutchRoots
- LinkedIn: Dutch Roots
Please share!
How do I access WiFi?
At the premises of WUR the WiFi access will be made available. Access details will be provided upon arrival.
I’d rather not appear on images or videos concerning the congress. How do I let this be known?
During the congress there will be a lot of photographing and filming. We will use the images and videos to promote our coming events. If you do not wish to appear on photos and/or videos, please notify us at our information desk.
How do I recognize members of the organizing staff?
Members of the organizing staff can be recognized by a Dutch Roots button on their clothes.