door Dutch Roots | jul 19, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) posted an article, saying that Louise Fresco’s message during the IFAJ2018 World Congress was: ‘Agriculture must do more than just produce food’ (please note: article in Dutch). Read more...
door Dutch Roots | jul 19, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) posted an article: ‘The challenge is how the world can be fed with fewer raw materials, a more sustainable production, a healthier diet and less food waste, according to Draijer’ (please note: article in Dutch)....
door Dutch Roots | jul 19, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) posted an article about robotization, which ‘solves the problem of work, as more and more people live in the city and less and less people are interested in handicrafts in dairy farming, says Boelens’ (please note:...
door Dutch Roots | jul 19, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) posted an article, saying: ‘Farmers should not see the climate goals as an extra goal in itself, but it should act as a catalyst for innovations in the sector’ (please note: article in Dutch). Read more...
door Dutch Roots | jul 18, 2018
Mariska Vermaas at NVLJ (The Netherlands) wrote an article, saying ‘the Netherlands offers various solutions for the challenges facing the global food chain’ (please note: article in Dutch). Read more...
door Dutch Roots | jul 18, 2018
AGF (The Netherlands) posted an article, saying that ‘the companies that opened their doors on this sunny Saturday for journalists from Australia, the USA, Norway, Romania, Benin and Austria left an indelible impression on the journalists’ (please note:...